Combat Lab 6th Feb

  • Drama/Theatre
Make IT, Office 4 -buzzer 20: 5 Hancock Rd, London E3 3DA, UK
06 Feb 2022
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun18:30 - 20:30



Combat Lab is a 2hr class, designed to provide a space for students, teachers and friends of ID to keep up their performance combat skills, catch up and have some fun.

Open to all, classes vary from week to week and are an opportunity for teachers to try out ideas and weapons we may not normally cover in accredited courses.  

We have a range of instructors with previous instructors David Doersh (fight director of Marvel Universe Live!), Ronin Traynor (SEGA's Total War series), Dan Styles (Taurus nominated Avengement), Justin Sysum (ITV's World of Wrestling Champion) and many more. 

Combat Lab is no longer a drop in due to our Covid safery measurers. All attendees must book in advance and provide proof of a negative Covid test taken within a 24hr period prior to the class. You may bring the result with you or proof of registering it via the NHS app. Class numbers will be limited. 

Class dates



Participants must be 18 years or older when the program starts..

Registration period

Registration starts on 09/09/2021 and ends on 06/02/2022.

In-person location

Make IT, Office 4 -buzzer 20: 5 Hancock Rd, London E3 3DA, UK
Registration closed.